Pop-App. Scienza, Arte E Gioco Nella Storia Dei Libri Animati Dalla Carta Alle App at Museum dell’Istituto Centrale per la Grafica.

The Museum is located just behind Fontana di Trevi in Rome. A beautiful spot in the heart of Rome, my native city! I was very happy my work sculpture-book Breast Book was included in this amazing Exhibition.

Following are some shots of the Exhibition Installation.

Pop-App. Scienza, Arte E Gioco Nella Storia Dei Libri Animati Dalla Carta Alle App Opening!

Opening: Wednesday May 8th 2019 at 5.30PM (until 8:30PM), at Museum dell’Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome.

Please come visit this beautiful exhibition project curated by professor Gianfranco Crupi of the Università di Roma La Sapienza!

The exhibition, organized by the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in collaboration with the Università di Roma La Sapienza and Fondazione Tancredi di Barolo-MUSLI of Turin, tells the story of animated books, from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age, highlighting their artistic, creative, educational potential and their links with digital technologies and applications. All the books on display come from the most important Italian historical libraries.

My latest work, the Artist’s Book entitled Breast Book will also be included in the show. The sculpture-book, made with different metals, celebrates the female breast and presents the phases of creation of a steel breast, obtained by hammering the slab on the anvil.

The exhibition will remain open until June 30th, 2019!

Invito Pop-App. Scienza, arte e gioco nella storia dei libri animati .jpg

Learn more about Istituto Centrale per la Grafica at: http://www.grafica.beniculturali.it/